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Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert"

In this passage we find God telling the Israelites to move on, to stop looking and recalling what once was, which was a life of slavery and one filled with sin. God was telling them that it is time to lay aside those things from the past that, even though they were outside of the circumstances they were, in retrospect, holding onto the "what was" of their lives. Yet, now is the time to put on a new way of living and keep their focus on the way ahead, which could only properly be done through His grace alone.

God was telling them that He most certainly delivered them from sin and death, but that was not the intended end. Their journey with Him was just beginning and the initial idea of freedom was not the destination but the first step. Sure they might face some trouble along the way, but the plan for them was to be tempered in expectation of this new thing the Lord was doing.

So how does this apply to us today?  I am well aware that none of us were around when Isaiah declared what was written in this passage, however, God is doing a new thing in our midst. One of the many examples can even be this migration to a new webpage and means for us, as a body, being able to stay connected and aware of what is happening in our church. 

So whether it is through a new way to stay connected or a new thing God is doing in our midst, He is interested in everything about us no matter how big or small and this is yet one more opportunity for us to demonstrate a continued trust in the One who created it all.

Let us turn our eyes toward Him and watch for the Glory of the Lord. He knows and He cares.