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There’s a story in the Bible found in Genesis 26:18-22 discussing how Isaac did some re-digging of the wells that were originally dug by his father Abraham. They represented life, God's abundant provision for Abraham and his family. But those wells had been stopped up with dirt by the Philistines, so in order to dwell in the land that God placed him in, Isaac had the task of re-digging those ancient wells.

There’s something to be said that as the church continues to move forward that we don’t stay marching in place or experience ministry drift, but that we continue moving forward to stay in a posture of renewal and revival in the Church. 

However, in that desire to keep moving we don’t want to forget where we came from. We hear the stories of evangelists and ministers talking about how the Holy Spirit used to move in their midst. A movement was built on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. There were tangible opportunities and gatherings where the manifest presence of God’s glory rested upon people, and it was once thought to be normal.

But what about today?

Have we gotten so far removed from then that we are unable to experience it now? We have no problem teaching and preaching about what happened on the day of Pentecost, but is the Holy Spirit that impotent that He was only active then? There’s no reason "Acts 2" can’t be the norm as opposed to being an exception.

Jesus is alive, He is still saving the lost, He is still healing and delivering folks from that which oppresses … let’s stop simply reading about it and get to experiencing it.

March 24 - 28, 2025, Digging Up Wells